we just watched terminator salvation last night. i was totally out of place since i haven't seen the t1 to t3. thing is, even if i haven't seen the prequels i still somehow enjoyed the experience especially the part when one of the viewers sneezed, the sound of which he/she produced sounded like a fart. arnold did a cameo for the film in which he appeared naked right before christian bale and started kicking his ass around the place. his cameo however looks computerized.

after the movie we played at timezone. i tried drum mania v6 since there were new anime songs added. i thought i still had the skills but apparently i was wrong. i totally sucked. haha! but still it was fun and i know i'd still play.
after the movie we played at timezone. i tried drum mania v6 since there were new anime songs added. i thought i still had the skills but apparently i was wrong. i totally sucked. haha! but still it was fun and i know i'd still play.
after timezone we went to yellow cab in macapagal to eat some pizza. it was chad's treat since he's the one with the job right now so it was twice as delicious for me. the 18" pizza apparently outlasted all 3 of us since there was this last slice that we could no longer jug down our throats. but it was tasty while it lasted. then we went down to the parking lot to play this little toy chad got from timezone. it really brought back the kid in all of us. it's this elesi that has lights in it that we could launch from a handle by pulling a string. we did a few launches till we got tired of it.

we went to malate to check out the bars we used to go to when we were young. then we saw this gay dude in totally gay outfit grab a guys arm and try to take him away from his girlfriend. LoL! it was funny to watch but it's scary if it had happened to us. after a few passes through the streets of malate we did a detour to warzone in vito cruz to play an hours worth of left for dead. the mouse pad sucks but it was fun since we get to kill zombies again.
we finally decided to go home. it was around 5:00 am. on the way home we passed by this dude lying in the island of south super highway. chad swore he saw blood. maybe it was a salvage, in the filipino sense of the word, or maybe he was just sleeping. but still we had our doubts if he's still alive.
we went to malate to check out the bars we used to go to when we were young. then we saw this gay dude in totally gay outfit grab a guys arm and try to take him away from his girlfriend. LoL! it was funny to watch but it's scary if it had happened to us. after a few passes through the streets of malate we did a detour to warzone in vito cruz to play an hours worth of left for dead. the mouse pad sucks but it was fun since we get to kill zombies again.
we finally decided to go home. it was around 5:00 am. on the way home we passed by this dude lying in the island of south super highway. chad swore he saw blood. maybe it was a salvage, in the filipino sense of the word, or maybe he was just sleeping. but still we had our doubts if he's still alive.
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