first day of school really should be one of the two most exciting days of the school year (the second one being the last day of school). you get to see your friends again, get released from the cage you call home, and get to have your allowance again. and one of the things you'd expect on the first day of classes is that you get to go to school but don't really go to class because supposedly all the professors are still cramming with the details of their own classes to handle and with that you get to out with your friends whom you haven't seen for a few weeks and catch with all their summer liv
es. however this particular first day isn't like the rest. this time, we actually had RLE class, and RLE classes last for the entire day! so just like the jug heads we all were, we all just stayed in our funda lab and made noise as we wait for our orientation.
orientation was just as typical as the ones we had in the past. the speaker talked about the usual stuff they had to cover, details of our clinicals, the equipment we had to bring, details about lates and absences and what to do in case we had to file incidence reports (that's the only report i don't wish i have to do in the near future). we're jam packed inside the lab since they had to let the other section sit in. just imagine the heat all those bodies produced. our discussion of the grades got me worried a bit. there were only five criteria and two of those weighed more than 30% and they included attitude (so high school) in the criteria. i'm not really big with ci's.
lecture was more dragging, we can barely hear the instructor since we were seated at the back, most of our questions are answered inadequately and we are expected to master all the physical exams. mastery of the pe is fine for me, i will do my part, but hopefully we do get more effort from our instructors. i know they're doing their job well but i'm just asking for a little bit more. i took a few shots with my cel, it's illegal to do so, so hush hush! ^_^
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