It hasn't really sunk in yet that I'm already a graduate. Yes, I am now a graduate. I finally have my first title that I could append to the end of my name, BSN, but that really is not what I'm seeking for. The title I want is much shorter and simpler, yet adds a lot to the respect and wisdom of a person, MD.
I wish I could share a lot of my thoughts right now, but then again it would be too long for an average reader to follow. Maybe soon I'll redesign my blog to suit a particular focus or area. I want to write about something important and has impact to society. Maybe soon enough I'll realize that calling.
To somehow share some of my glory during graduation I'm going to post 2 of my favorite shots. The only thing wrongs with these photos is that it was taken by a compact camera. Had it been a dslr, the shots would be glorious.

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