Saturday, August 8, 2009

can't wait to blast them goblins!

yes, there should be a medical term for students having a toxic dose of academics. how do you think they should name it, academetoxicity? wtf?! how about toxicity to pharmacology? pharmacotoxicity? or how about pharmaconeuritis for a brain swelling in pharmacology concepts. i just hope that after all this reading and studying, i get to use it in that 100 item multiple choice exam.

new starbucks tumbler

i just bought a new starbucks tumbler the other night. i was thinking of buying a new one this past few days since i can't use my other two since the first one is a mug which has no covering in its lid and the other one looks like their venti sized cup for cold drinks. so i bought the tumbler with my week's savings and i chose the one that you could design your own inlet. and it was really worth it since i get to change the appearance of my tumbler anytime i want. all i need is a picture and a printer to print it. so yesterday moring i got on my laptop and went to the site starbucks suggested to look for designs. to my dismay they all look trivial and boring. i mean why do you wanna see autumn leaves in your tumbler? so i went to google and search for one of my favorite animes, to-love-ru and got a picture of haruna, lala and mikan. here is the raw picture that i got.

the raw file that i got

i adjusted it to the right size and printed it. i placed it over the template, traced the outer edges and then cut it. i got it to fit my new tumbler the first try. it looks really great on my new tumbler. here is a couple of photos.

how i just wish that i could've used a photo paper instead of a bond paper for a more glossy finish. nevertheless, i'm sure i'll make kenneth envious with this one.

on blasting goblins and being a hero

have you ever wondered how one becomes a hero in a fantasy world filled with various monsters and endless adventures with only a pen, paper and dice? you may think being and author to a fantasy novel would fit the paper and pen but how about the dice? well it's a table top game called dungeons and dragons. well it all works when us (players) listen to the dm (dungeon master), who narrates the story, acts as the antagonist by playing the monsters' part and manipulator of the fantasy world. it's really weird for anyone who doesn't know how to play the game to watch us play. it's actually a game of endless posibilities, literaly! i actually play a wizard, my role is to make the situation of the battle favorable to our party. no i don't ride a white horse and summon light from my staff but i do make myself invisible and turn the enemy into statue like figures to be smothered by our avenger. we play on a weekly basis every sunday evening and i can't wait for our game session tonight. curious about dungeons and dragons? check their website here.

the best mmorpg in the world

i've been wanting to play world of warcraft for a few months now. i love the game and it's a good distraction to studies, which adds a lot to the fun, but hell lot expensive. you see when most mmorpg go for about P100 a week, wow goes for about P750 a month. talk about expense! and to top it all i still have to buy the original expansion set which will cost me about 4k. though it's a one time deal it will really hurt my budget. how i wish i could just ask my mom for it. unlike before, good grades aren't enough for my mom to be convinced to get me that game. talk about disappointment. hopefully after the midterm exams i could come up with some way for me to buy the game and play it. it will be a great stress reliever for me.

0 quirks: