Thursday, November 18, 2010
13 days

Friday, November 5, 2010
It's not a towel!

Published by Medical Ebooks Online at 9:41 PM 0 quirks
Labels: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RaDMOiEK5tA/TNQMYJHapkI/AAAAAAAAAJw/c9CL_m-RlO8/s1600/pic32525.jpg
the return of the comeback.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Why should you vote straight for FORWARD MDC?
Why should you vote straight for FORWARD MDC? Here are some of the reasons.
1. We are responsible with our academics.
We have members who have WPAs that reach as high as 94.21, consistent honors awardees, scholars and members of the MDC Top 100.
2. We are socially holistic.
Our members are affiliated with various social organizations that render them socially open minded and responsible citizens. Our members are part of UP League of Filipino Students, United Nations Youth Alliance Philippines, Ayala Young Leaders Congress, Red Cross Youth Council, Philippine Swimming Team and HEMSA.
3. We have the leadership skills.
We all have experiences in leading teams and groups of fellow students and leading them to success. Some of our members are experienced student council leaders from other schools and here in MDC. We experienced being a follower to being a group leader to being class presidents and hopefully your future Student Council Leaders. We have a member who is a President Gloria M. Arroyo Leadership Excellence Awardee and another who is part of the prestigious Ayala Young Leaders Congress.
4. Our platforms are holistic.
Forward MDC's platforms are straight to the point, pro student and socially responsible. We aim to engage every aspect of student life that needs improvement and we don't just stop there. We also aim to influence our fellow students to be responsible citizens with various projects that connect MDC to the outside world.
5. We are engaged.
We are engaged in various projects that aim to improve various aspects of Philippine society. Examples of these are the Earth Hour, Brigada Eskwela, Philippine Association of Administrators of Student Affairs Convention, Philippine Association of Administrators of Student Affairs Convention and Takbo Para Sa Kalikasan.
6. Our goal is to uplift our institution to new heights.
This includes our experiences as students in our beloved college. We aim to make our student lives to be much more memorable and beautiful. It is our aim to hear words such as "I am a proud MDC Student/Madocian." and "Ang sarap mag aral sa MDC." from all of you. We wish everyone to be proud of the MDC culture and student life and be living examples of our core values, the 6 Cs, for future generations of MDC students to witness and follow.
Remember, for us to be able to fully fulfill our platforms and the words we shared with you, we need to be the ones in office. So choose us, choose FORWARD MDC.

Monday, May 10, 2010
I have cast my vote
Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. -John Quincy Adams
today is my first time to vote. and this is one hell of an experience. first of all i am the only voter in our family who will vote in taguig. the rest of my family are voters in makati. i woke up around 6:00 am and i immediately drank my morning coffee and took a bath. i left home around 6:30 am in the hopes of being in my precinct at around 7:00 am. my precinct was at tenement elementary school and i already made my research as to where the location of my precinct is. i took a cab up to tenement and eventually made it to the school by walking. i followed what seems to be this long line where the voters of that precinct didn't have the proper manner as to properly fall in line. they just cut wherever they want! when this man tried to cut i shoved him around my shoulder and to his shock abandoned his attempt and just cut the person behind me. when i reached the school, which is jam packed with voters, jejemons and jeje caps, i then searched for my cluster. and then in such horror i saw that my cluster wasn't there. i checked my note as to what my precinct is and to my dismay, it says tenement elementary school (annex). that's when i asked around where the annex is and found out it was nearer to my house than i thought.
after realizing my mistake i walked out to the highway and took a jeepney to C5 and then took another one towards my real precinct. when i arrived there, the atmosphere was totally different. yes there are also many voters there but not as many as my previous location, but there is this relative peace and order. people know where to go, the teachers are very accomodating and there are relatively no jejemons there.
and as i was leaving my precinct i took a final photo of my first election day. i'm the one on the left with the black and gray cap and olive green shirt.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
as we move forward with our thesis, the results of our pilot tests are as follows:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
today was the very first day we get to move forward with our thesis. and most of it really was just plain old spontaneous. i mean from the very ether that we once thought was part of the physical world came the idea that we should take that one giant leap for our goal, to be part of the nominees for best thesis.
well then again we're not really satisfied with a nomination now, aren't we? so we're gonna step up and level up tomorrow when we real challenges begin. so far the only thing that was out of place was the 2 petri dishes that sucked balls and the concentration of bleach with water. aside from that it was a big success.
so here is a video about what we did, the process of mixing agar and the use of the autoclave. enjoy watching our being spontaneous.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
18 years of friendship, may lamat na.
Friday, April 16, 2010
yes i am fatigued. i average about 4 hours sleep this past few days. i haven't done my ncps and i barely make good scribbles in my blog.
i want to go and worship once more. i wish it's worship day already.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
a hobby
when i was in high school i used to have this hobby called magic: the gathering, magic cards for short or mtg to be shorter. not only is this a hobby for me but also a good side line business. cards are not only collectibles but also profitable as well. the things is, ever since i went to college, i've never had a hobby like this. i'm lost searching for a hobby that not only fun but also could complete me as a person. mtg did that for me before, but not anymore since i no longer have the finances to maintain the hobby. i'm hopeful there is something out there for me that i could do and share with my friends too. the only requirement i have for whatever it is, is that it shouldn't cost too much money.
a sport
i don't really have a sport. i used to play basketball when i was a kid but no longer. i could no longer do my infamous legendary shot from the half court. yes, it was a feat i could normally do before but not anymore. i'm searching for a sport that could help me improve my physical skills, especially my hand-eye coordination, my body image and my over all physical health as well.
i do have a lot of advocacies that i exercise regularly in a daily basis. my number one advocacy is all about the environment, ever since i've learned about carbon footprint and how it affects the environment i always try my best to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible. i also would like to recommend to other people to reduce their carbon footprint as well. i reduce my carbon footprint by doing any of the following:
- i no longer ask for any plastic bag whenever i buy anything from any store. except whenever i really really need to (emphasis on really).
- i mostly buy things that are made from recyclable material. so that's paper, plastic and bottles.
- if i don't need it, i don't buy it. there's no need to use the three R's if you haven't used anything in the first place.
- i walk, a lot! whenever i can i usually skip my last jeepney ride home. and mind you 1.6 kilometers is not an easy distance to walk alone.
- whenever i'm alone at home, i use sunlight as my light source. not only is it free but nature friendly too.
medical school
i took the nmat twice already. and i'm not really sure about my performance with the second one. as usual i'm hoping for the best and not really expecting anything. but i do hope God answers every bit of my prayers and give me that astonishing 99 this second week of may. i just watched the movie 21 last night. i say this is a really good movie. i really admire the lead character and he's genius. i wish i was just like him. smart and hard working. i only have the smart attribute, and i'm just the average smart, not the uber smart. he's just like me, he wants to go to medical school too. and he's just like me again, someone who wishes that there is more to life than just money. we both have the same problems, we both don't have the money for medical school. we both have the same plan, we both aim for scholarships. i just wished that it would work out for me in the same way it did for him in the movie. i really want to get into up college of medicine. it's my dream school. it's what i've been building my studies for. it's a goal i want to achieve. and though in know it's not impossible for me to get there, there this just this feeling that i can't shake off.